Health Secure

Life insurance with critical illness coverage to help fund the cost of treatment for diseases diagnosed in their early, intermediate, and advanced stages.

Product summary

Product Benefits

  • Provides cash to help shoulder the cost of medical treatments caused by critical illnesses even in their early and intermediate stages.

Coverage Period

  • Until age 85 

Payment Options

  • 10 years, 20 years, or until age 65

Insured Issue Ages

  • 18-55 years old (10 Years to Pay)
  • 18-45 years old (20 Years to Pay)
  • 18-55 years old (Pay up to age 65)

What It's For

  • Critical illness coverage
  • Angioplasty & early stage coverage
  • Intermediate stage coverage
  • Family income protection 
  • Future health and wellness fund

Frequently Asked Questions

Health Secure provides guaranteed life insurance protection with critical illness coverage for 33 covered dread diseases* plus cash payouts that you can use as a Wellness Fund in your later years. The plan also comes with a built-in Health Guard Rider** that helps fund treatments for angioplasty, early and intermediate stage critical illnesses diagnosed  during your premium-payment period. 

This plan has flexible premium payment options of 10 years, 20 years, or up to age 65. Discover more features in the product brochure. 

*subject to a 90-day waiting period     **subject to a 180-day waiting period

The guaranteed cash payouts that come with your Health Secure plan allow you to begin enjoying the full benefits of your plan as early as age 66, while you are alive and well. These will be given annually, advancing a portion of your death benefit each year.

You are eligible to buy this product if the proposed Insured is between:

  • 18-55 years old, if you are getting Health Secure (10 Years to Pay).
  • 18-45 years old, if you are getting Health Secure (20 Years to Pay).
  • 18-55 years old, if you are getting Health Secure (Pay to 65). 

Yes, you can enhance your plan by adding Riders. Talk to a BDO Life Financial Advisor to determine know which Riders can address your needs best.

With Best Doctors, you have 24/7 online access to expert second opinion from medical professionals around the world.

Contact us


BDO Life Head Office:

30/F BDO Life Megaplaza, 358 Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City 


BDO Life Customer Care Hotline:

(+632) 8885-4110



Please expect a response from us within 24 to 48 banking hours.

PLDT Toll-Free:


BDO Life Assurance Company, Inc. is a life insurance company and wholly-owned subsidiary of BDO Unibank, Inc. It is supervised by the Insurance Commission. Its financial products are not deposit products. These products are not insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation and are not guaranteed by BDO Unibank, Inc. For policy-related inquiries and concerns, please call our BDO Life Customer Care Hotline at (+632) 8885-4110 or 1800-1888-6603 (PLDT Toll-Free).