BDO 계좌

BDO는 온라인 뱅킹, BDO Pay,
필리핀 전역의 ATM과
지점을 통해 편리한 서비스를

계좌 개설 필요서류

Accepted IDs for Account Opening
  1. Passport (with English characters)
  2. Driver's License issued by LTO
  3. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) ID
  4. Unified Multi- Purpose ID (UMID)
  5. Social Security System (SSS) ID
  6. Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) ID
  7. School ID (for minors)
  8. NBI Clearance
  9. PNP Clearance with dry seal
  10. Philippine Postal ID
  11. Voter's ID
  12. Tax Identification Number (TIN) ID
  13. Barangay Certification with dry seal
  14. Government Service and Insurance System (GSIS) ID
  15. PhilHealth ID
  16. Senior Citizen ID
  17. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID
  18. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) ID
  19. Seaman's Book
  20. Government Office and GOCC ID (e.g. AFP, HDMF)
  21. Certification from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP)
  22. Person with Disability (PWD) ID issued by National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA)
  23. DSWD Certification
  24. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID
  25. Company IDs issued by private entities registered with or supervised or regulated either by BSP, SEC or IC
  26. Maritime Industry Authority  (MARINA) ID


* One (1) valid ID is acceptable if the ID is a Passport, Driver’s License, PRC ID, UMID, SSS ID, PhilySys ID or School ID (for minors).

Otherwise, please prepare at least two (2) valid IDs from the list. The chosen ID must be original and within their period of validity.

ACR 카드, SRRV 카드, SIRV 카드,
결혼비자카드, DFA 카드 등/
신분증은 반드시 유효한 원본이어야 함

은행은 언급된 서류 이외의
추가 서류를 요청할 수 있음



업무 시간: 공휴일을 제외한 평일 오전 8시 30분 – 오후 6시

BDO 서울대표사무소

주소: 서울특별시 중구 세종대로 136번지 서울파이낸스센터 23층 100-768


전화: +82(2) 3783-0800

팩스: +82(2) 3783-0804