Sustainability Reporting
Impact Reports
Blue Bond 2023 Impact Report
This is BDO Unibank Inc.'s first Blue Bond Impact Report outlining the environmental and social performance of financed projects from its Blue Bond proceeds from January to December 2022. This Impact Report was prepared following International Finance Corporation's (IFC) Guidelines for Blue Finance, International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting, and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and the BDO Sustainable Finance Framework.Â
This report was prepared by the Sustainability Office and the Sustainable Finance Desk of the Institutional Banking Group.Â
Blue Bond 2023 Impact

ASEAN Sustainability Bond 2024 Impact Report
This Impact Report details the full allocation of BDO Unibank's first ASEAN Sustainability Bond (ASB) issued in January 2022. The ASB raised Php52.7 billion from an initial target of P5 billion, and set a record as the largest peso-denominated bond issuance in the Philippines at the time. This financial instrument exemplifies BDO's commitment to sustainability through its allocation of  proceeds to 37 projects aligned with the BDO Sustainable Finance Framework, and focuses on improving food security, agriculture, renewable energy, water management, and job creation while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This report was prepared by the Sustainability Office and the Sustainable Finance Desk of the Institutional Banking Group.Â

ASEAN Sustainability Bond 2023 Impact Report
This report is BDO Unibank Inc.’s first ASEAN Sustainability Bond Impact Report outlining the environmental and social performance of financed projects from its ASEAN Sustainability Bond proceeds from January 2022. This report has been prepared following ASEAN Guidelines on Sustainability Bond Standards, International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting, and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and the BDO Sustainable Finance Framework. .Â
This report was prepared by the Sustainability Office and the Sustainable Finance Desk of the Institutional Banking Group.Â
Annual Sustainability Report
BDO Sustainability Report 2023
Delivering Sustainable Impact
This report is BDO Unibank, Inc.’s sixth Sustainability Report(SR) outlining the BDO Group’s economic, environmental, social, and governance performance from January to December 2023. It is a substantiation of the BDO Group’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
Special Reports
BDO Network Bank champions financial inclusion through its presence in provinces while Cash Agad reaches remote areas through Cash Agad partner agents in the communities. Among the locations identified with poverty incidence in 2023, BDO Network Bank branches and Cash Agad agents are present in all 16 areas with high poverty incidence and in the areas of highest poverty incidence, such as Zamboanga del Norte in the Mindanao region.

BDO Foundation has rehabilitated 160 rural health units (RHUs) and 38 classrooms to date. Climate change aggravates weather events that cause health problems. The RHUs provide health services to 7% of the Philippine population. Majority of the RHUs are located in disaster-stricken and disaster-prone areas to provide affected communities with better facilities, and help them adapt to natural disasters.
Through gift giving and relief operations, the Bank helps to provide access to basic services such as food and medical care. By 2023, BDO Foundation has given food packages to 99,900 low-income families during its gift giving and 805,261 families through relief operations.
In 2022, BDO launched its Employee Volunteer Program (EVP) to promote a sustainability mindset and engage employees as sustainability advocates in BDO’s sustainability commitments and initiatives.
As of December 31, 2022, BDO’s total Sustainable Finance to date is at P781 billion, including 58 renewable energy projects.
As of December 31, 2021, BDO financed 54 Sustainable Energy projects, with total Sustainable Finance funded to date at P548 billion.
BDO Sustainability Report 2022
For Your Future, We Find Ways
This report is BDO Unibank, Inc.’s fifth Sustainability Report(SR) outlining the BDO Group’s economic, environmental, social, and governance performance from January to December 2022. It is a substantiation of the BDO Group’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
The 2022 BDO SR features Special Reports on the Bank's Presence and Impact and Empowering Women as Consumers and Entrepreneurs.
Special Reports
BDO ensures access to banking, financial services, and insurance services accessible through its 1,530 combined branches nationwide.Â
BDO Network Bank champions financial inclusion through its presence in provinces while Cash Agad reaches remote areas through Cash Agad partner agents in the communities. Among the locations identified with poverty incidence in 2021, BDO Network Bank branches and Cash Agad agents are present in all 16 areas with high poverty incidence and in the areas of highest poverty incidence, such as Zamboanga del Norte in the Mindanao region.

BDO Foundation has rehabilitated 131 rural health units (RHUs) and built 124 classrooms to date. Climate change aggravates weather events that cause health problems. The RHUs provide health services to 6% of the Philippine population. Majority of the RHUs are located in disaster-stricken and disaster-prone areas to provide affected communities with better facilities, and help them adapt to natural disasters.
For daily survival, people need access to food, water, shelter, and medical care. Communities with high prevalence of poverty have a greater need of these basic services, especially during times of disaster. By year 2022, BDO Foundation has given food packages to 69,900 families in low-income and poverty-stricken areas, in collaboration with Caritas Philippines and Tanging Yaman Foundation. This is part of its nationwide gift giving initiatives. Additionally, the Foundation has given relief packages to 761,761 families in areas affected by numerous natural and man-made disasters. 
As of December 31, 2022, BDO’s total Sustainable Finance to date is at P781 billion, including 58 renewable energy projects.
As of December 31, 2021, BDO financed 54 Sustainable Energy projects, with total Sustainable Finance funded to date at P548 billion.

BDO Sustainability Report 2021
Finding Ways
Creating a Sustainable Future
This report is BDO Unibank, Inc.’s fourth Sustainability Report outlining the BDO Group’s economic, environmental, social, and governance performance from January to December 2021. It is a substantiation of the BDO Group’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.

BDO Sustainability Report 2020
Impact and Commitment
This report is BDO Unibank Inc.’s third Sustainability Report outlining the Bank’s economic, environmental, social, and governance performance from January to December 2020. It is a substantiation of BDO’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.
This report features three Special Sections: A Decade of Sustainable Finance, which marks a milestone in the Bank’s risk-based impact financing initiatives; Finding Ways through a Pandemic, which details BDO’s COVID-19 business continuity response to the pandemic in 2020; and Driving Digitalization, on enhancing digital banking.

BDO Sustainability Report 2019
Shaping Futures
This report is BDO Unibank, Inc.’s (BDO) second Sustainability Report outlining the Bank’s economic, environmental, social, and governance performance from January to December 2019. It is a substantiation of BDO’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.

BDO Sustainability Report 2018
This report is BDO Unibank, Inc.’s (BDO) maiden Sustainability Report outlining the Bank’s economic, environmental, social, and governance performance from January to December 2018. It is a substantiation of BDO’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.Â
ESG Materiality Matrix
The 2021 ESG Materiality Assessment identified ESG topics using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Boards (SASB) framework, and the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations, as well as topics reported on by BDO’s peers. A bespoke stakeholder survey was designed for BDO’s internal and external stakeholder groups to rate the importance of identified material topics to the Bank’s ESG impact on stakeholders, and identify ESG factors that affect the Bank. This enhanced stakeholder group engagement for materiality assessment aims to better prepare BDO to anticipate and mitigate emerging risks to the Bank and to its stakeholders. The resulting matrix shows the intersection of ESG topics most important to both, as ranked by stakeholders in the Philippines and overseas. Our performance on these material issues are discussed in this report.

The resulting matrix shows the intersection of ESG topics most important to both, as ranked by stakeholders in the Philippines and overseas. Our performance on these material issues are discussed in this report.